
% computing radius used in elevation factor determinations
% filename: compRfromEF.m
% Author:   DMMulcare
% Date:     16 July 2016 modified 29 July 2016
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format compact           % reduces whitespace when displaying to screen
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Purpose of this page

fprintf('\n\tPrompted by some newgroup discussion about how the radius used in elevation factor (EF) is ')
fprintf('\n\tcomputed, I worked through some relevant computations to show ways to compute the radius as well as to ')
fprintf('\n\texplore the sensitivity of the EF to changes in R and eh.\n\n')
	Prompted by some newgroup discussion about how the radius used in elevation factor (EF) is 
	computed, I worked through some relevant computations to show ways to compute the radius as well as to 
	explore the sensitivity of the EF to changes in R and eh.

Algebraic manipulation of EF = R / (R + h) to solve for R

fprintf('\tFirst we compute a radius (R) given an ellipsoid height(h) and elevation factor (EF)')
fprintf('\n\tUsing equation: EF = R / (R + h). \n')
fprintf('\n\tRestate equation to solve for R given h and EF. \n')
fprintf('\n\t1. Relabel EF to S to avoid confusing it as being two variables     S =  R / (R + h) \n')
fprintf('\t2. Multiply both sides of above by (R + h):                            S * (R + h) = R \n')
fprintf('\t3. Separate terms on left side:                                  (S * R) + (S * h) = R \n')
fprintf('\t4. Subtract (S * R) from each side:                              (S * h) = R - (S * R) \n')
fprintf('\t5. Factor right side:                                           (S * h) = R * ( 1 - S) \n')
fprintf('\t6. Divide both sides by (1-S):                                     (S * h)/(1 - S) = R \n')
fprintf('\t7. Replace S with EF:                                          (EF * h) / (1 - EF) = R \n')
fprintf('\n\tLet us verify the manipulation above using real data. \n')
	First we compute a radius (R) given an ellipsoid height(h) and elevation factor (EF)
	Using equation: EF = R / (R + h). 

	Restate equation to solve for R given h and EF. 

	1. Relabel EF to S to avoid confusing it as being two variables     S =  R / (R + h) 
	2. Multiply both sides of above by (R + h):                            S * (R + h) = R 
	3. Separate terms on left side:                                  (S * R) + (S * h) = R 
	4. Subtract (S * R) from each side:                              (S * h) = R - (S * R) 
	5. Factor right side:                                           (S * h) = R * ( 1 - S) 
	6. Divide both sides by (1-S):                                     (S * h)/(1 - S) = R 
	7. Replace S with EF:                                          (EF * h) / (1 - EF) = R 

	Let us verify the manipulation above using real data. 

Found sample data on NGS web site

extracted data from NGS data sheet for a point atop a lovely vista in Wyoming where I made observations in the early 1990's. Lugging a Trimble 4000SST, two batteries, tripod, cables and more up the last few hundred feet as my two-wheel drive couldn't make it.

fprintf('\n\t MQ0448  DESIGNATION -  BLACK BUTTE')
fprintf('\n\t MQ0448  STATE/COUNTY-  WY/SWEETWATER')
fprintf('\n\t MQ0448* NAD 83(2011) POSITION- 41 33 34.71001(N) 108 48 04.50871(W)   NO CHECK ')
fprintf('\n\t MQ0448* NAD 83(2011) ELLIP HT-  2377.346 (meters)        (06/27/12)   NO CHECK ')
fprintf('\n\t MQ0448;                    North         East     Units Scale Factor Converg.  ')
fprintf('\n\t MQ0448;SPC WYWC     -   117,671.878   595,724.815   MT  0.99993772   -0 02 02.4')
fprintf('\n\t MQ0448!             -  Elev Factor  x  Scale Factor =   Combined Factor        ')
fprintf('\n\t MQ0448!SPC WYWC     -   0.99962725  x   0.99993772  =   0.99956500             ')
	 MQ0448* NAD 83(2011) POSITION- 41 33 34.71001(N) 108 48 04.50871(W)   NO CHECK 
	 MQ0448* NAD 83(2011) ELLIP HT-  2377.346 (meters)        (06/27/12)   NO CHECK 
	 MQ0448;                    North         East     Units Scale Factor Converg.  
	 MQ0448;SPC WYWC     -   117,671.878   595,724.815   MT  0.99993772   -0 02 02.4
	 MQ0448!             -  Elev Factor  x  Scale Factor =   Combined Factor        
	 MQ0448!SPC WYWC     -   0.99962725  x   0.99993772  =   0.99956500             

Compute R from manipulated equation

fprintf('\n\n\tFirst extract h and EF from the data above.\n')
h  = 2377.346;
EF =    0.99962725;
R = (EF * h) / ( 1 - EF);
fprintf('\n\tRadius computed from h and EF = %8.2f \n', R);
fprintf('\tIs this a reasonable result? \n')

	First extract h and EF from the data above.

	Radius computed from h and EF = 6375479.13 
	Is this a reasonable result? 

Compute radii of curvature.

fprintf('\n\n\tThere are two common radii determinated at a point on the surface of an ellipse.')
fprintf('\n\tWe are using GRS80 ellipsoid parameters and our sample point')
fprintf('\n\tFirst isthe radius of curvature in the prime vertical (N). \n')
fprintf('\tIts equation is: N = a / ( sqrt( 1 - e^2 * sin(latitude)^2 ) \n')
fprintf('\n\tNext the radius of curvature in meridian (M).       \n')
fprintf('\n\tIts equation is: M = (a * (1-e^2)) / (1 - e^2 * sin(lat)^(3/2) )    \n')
fprintf('\ta = semi-major axis and e is ellipsoid eccentricity  \n')
% Required GRS 80 reference ellipsoid parameters
a      = 6378137.;                              % defining parameter
finv   =     298.257222101;                     % inverse of flattening
eSqr   =       6.69438002290341574957494e-3;    % this value taken from a web posting by DJMilbert
% computed parameters
b      = a * (1 - (1/finv));                    % semi-minor axis
e      = sqrt(a^2-b^2)/a;                       % eccentricity
ee     = e*e;                                   % eccentricity squared
diff_eSqr = eSqr - ee;                          % difference between Matlab and 128-bit value
fprintf('\n\tCompute latitude in radians of the sample point. \n')
% tested sample points in WY and FL
lat = (41 + 33/60 + 34.71001/3600) * pi/180;    % Wyoming
%lat = (29 + 5845/10000) * pi/180;               % Central Florida
N   = a / ( sqrt(1 - eSqr * sin(lat)^2) );
M   = (a * (1-eSqr)) / (1 - eSqr * sin(lat)^(3/2) );
% Below is equation of radius of ellipse taken from
Re  = (a * sqrt((1-eSqr)^2 * sin(lat)^2 + cos(lat)^2) ) / sqrt(1-eSqr*sin(lat)^2);
% Below is equation of average radius taken from Torge text GEODESY printed
% page 98 in Google Books image for eBook linked from Wikipedia page
Ravg = sqrt(M * N);                              %This is the Gaussian radius
fprintf('\n\tRadius of curvature in the prime vertical at sample point is: %7.1fm \n', N )
fprintf('\t      Radius of curvature in the meridian at sample point is: %7.1fm \n', M   )
fprintf('\t                            Radius computed from EF and h is: %7.1fm \n', R   )
fprintf('\t                                           Radius of ellipse: %7.1fm \n', Re  )
fprintf('\t                                   Average (Gaussian) radius: %7.1fm \n', Ravg)
fprintf('\n\tLet us use the solved N and site h to check the site EF value. \n')
chkEF = R / (R + h);
fprintf('\n\tPublished EF = %2.9f computed EF = %2.9f difference = %1.9f \n', EF, chkEF, EF - chkEF)
fprintf('\tComputed R = %7.1fm \tM = %7.1fm \tN = %7.1fm \tRavg = %7.1fm \n',R, M, N, Ravg )
fprintf('\tDifferences R - M = %5.1fm and R - N = %5.1fm and R - Ravg = %7.1fm \n', abs(R-M), abs(R-N), abs(R-Ravg) )
% shown below are the bounds of the value of N (equator and pole)
%Ra     = 6378000;        % equatorial radius (semi-major axis)
%Rpol   = 6399593;        % N at poles
%b      = 6356752.31414   % polar radius from b = a(1-f)

	There are two common radii determinated at a point on the surface of an ellipse.
	We are using GRS80 ellipsoid parameters and our sample point
	First isthe radius of curvature in the prime vertical (N). 
	Its equation is: N = a / ( sqrt( 1 - e^2 * sin(latitude)^2 ) 

	Next the radius of curvature in meridian (M).       

	Its equation is: M = (a * (1-e^2)) / (1 - e^2 * sin(lat)^(3/2) )    
	a = semi-major axis and e is ellipsoid eccentricity  

	Compute latitude in radians of the sample point. 

	Radius of curvature in the prime vertical at sample point is: 6387553.4m 
	      Radius of curvature in the meridian at sample point is: 6358439.1m 
	                            Radius computed from EF and h is: 6375479.1m 
	                                           Radius of ellipse: 6368769.8m 
	                                   Average (Gaussian) radius: 6372979.6m 

	Let us use the solved N and site h to check the site EF value. 

	Published EF = 0.999627250 computed EF = 0.999627250 difference = 0.000000000 
	Computed R = 6375479.1m 	M = 6358439.1m 	N = 6387553.4m 	Ravg = 6372979.6m 
	Differences R - M = 17040.0m and R - N = 12074.3m and R - Ravg =  2499.5m 

How sensitive is the determination of EF on the value of R?

Use an arbitrary elevation hz = 100;
hz  = 100.;
Rz  = M:1000:N;
nz  = length(Rz);
EFz = zeros(nz,1);
fprintf('\n\tRadius in 1KM increments. Right column is elevation factor \n\n')
for i=1:nz;
    EFz(i) = Rz(i)/(Rz(i) + hz);
    fprintf('\t%8.0f \t\t%+1.8f\n', Rz(i), EFz(i))
avgDiffEFz = mean(EFz);
stdevEFz   = std(EFz);
fprintf('\n\n\tMean EF is: %+1.8f', avgDiffEFz)
fprintf('\n\tStandard deviation: %1.8f\n', stdevEFz)
fprintf('\n\tAnother question arises. How sensitive is the EF to a change in ellipsoid height? \n' )
fprintf('\n\tBelow we determine EF values using our sample site radius R. \n\n')
fprintf('\tLeft column is ellipsoid height right column is elevation factor. \n')
hx   = -40:10:150;
n   = length(hx);
EFx  = zeros(nz,1);
for i = 1:n;
  EFx(i) = ( R / (R + hx(i)) );
  disp(sprintf('\t%+d \t\t%+1.8f', hx(i), EFx(i) ))
	Radius in 1KM increments. Right column is elevation factor 

	 6358439 		+0.99998427
	 6359439 		+0.99998428
	 6360439 		+0.99998428
	 6361439 		+0.99998428
	 6362439 		+0.99998428
	 6363439 		+0.99998429
	 6364439 		+0.99998429
	 6365439 		+0.99998429
	 6366439 		+0.99998429
	 6367439 		+0.99998430
	 6368439 		+0.99998430
	 6369439 		+0.99998430
	 6370439 		+0.99998430
	 6371439 		+0.99998431
	 6372439 		+0.99998431
	 6373439 		+0.99998431
	 6374439 		+0.99998431
	 6375439 		+0.99998432
	 6376439 		+0.99998432
	 6377439 		+0.99998432
	 6378439 		+0.99998432
	 6379439 		+0.99998432
	 6380439 		+0.99998433
	 6381439 		+0.99998433
	 6382439 		+0.99998433
	 6383439 		+0.99998433
	 6384439 		+0.99998434
	 6385439 		+0.99998434
	 6386439 		+0.99998434
	 6387439 		+0.99998434

	Mean EF is: +0.99998431
	Standard deviation: 0.00000002

	Another question arises. How sensitive is the EF to a change in ellipsoid height? 

	Below we determine EF values using our sample site radius R. 

	Left column is ellipsoid height right column is elevation factor. 
	-40 		+1.00000627
	-30 		+1.00000471
	-20 		+1.00000314
	-10 		+1.00000157
	+0 		+1.00000000
	+10 		+0.99999843
	+20 		+0.99999686
	+30 		+0.99999529
	+40 		+0.99999373
	+50 		+0.99999216
	+60 		+0.99999059
	+70 		+0.99998902
	+80 		+0.99998745
	+90 		+0.99998588
	+100 		+0.99998432
	+110 		+0.99998275
	+120 		+0.99998118
	+130 		+0.99997961
	+140 		+0.99997804
	+150 		+0.99997647

compute difference in ellipsoid for each increment of ten meters

diff = zeros(n,1);
for i = 1: n-1
    diff(i) = EFx(i) - EFx(i+1);
    % disp(sprintf('\t%+1.9f', diff(i)))   % option to display to screen
avgDiffEF   = mean(diff);
stdevEFdiff = std(diff);
fprintf('\n\tAverage difference in EF: %1.5em\n\tstdev: %1.8f \n', avgDiffEF, stdevEFdiff)
	Average difference in EF: 1.49006e-06m
	stdev: 0.00000035 


fprintf('\n\tFrom the tabulations above we can see that it takes a 4000 meter difference in radius\n\t to change the EF in the eighth decimal place.')
fprintf('\n\tWe also see more sensitivity to changes in ellipsoid height where a 10 meter difference \n\t in h leads to a 1.57e-6 change in EF.')
	From the tabulations above we can see that it takes a 4000 meter difference in radius
	 to change the EF in the eighth decimal place.
	We also see more sensitivity to changes in ellipsoid height where a 10 meter difference 
	 in h leads to a 1.57e-6 change in EF.